Announcement of a public selection for admission to PhD programs Round XXXIX

Details of scholarships announced

Scientific Area:
05 - Biological sciences
06 - Medical sciences
09 - Industrial and information engineering
11 - Historical, philosophical, pedagogical and psychological sciences
12 - Legal sciences
13 - Economic sciences and statistics
14 - Political and social sciences


Duration: 3 years

Positions: 14

Positions covered by scholarships: 12

  • N. 4 financed by the University
  • N. 2 financed by the Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS
  • No. 1 financed by Ministerial Decree 118/2023 for the following Public Administration research topics:
    Project title: Development of digital rehabilitation platforms for fragile patients
    Affiliated Institution: Istituto Clinico Quarenghi
    Reference Professor: Daniele Regazzoni
  • N. 5 financed under the project “ANTHEM (AdvaNced Technologies for Human-centrEd Medicine)”:
    1-Project title: Development of models for patient-specific decision making based on machine learning
    Field: Spoke 1 – Data and technology driven diagnosis and therapies
    Reference Professor: Andrea Remuzzi
    2-Project title: Development of a patient digital twin for proximity medicine
    Field: Spoke 2 Connecting patients and therapists through adaptive environments and intelligent sensors to enhance proximity medicine
    Reference Professor: Caterina Rizzi
    3-Project title: Sociology of technological change in health and medicine
    Field: Spoke 1 – Data and technology driven diagnosis and therapies - Spoke 2 Connecting patients and therapists through adaptive environments and intelligent sensors to enhance proximity medicine
    Reference Professor: Roberto Lusardi
    4-Project title: Intelligent Artificial Pancreas for Blood-Glucose regulation in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Pediatric Patients
    Field: Spoke 1 – Data and technology driven diagnosis and therapies
    Reference Professor: Antonio Ferramosca
    5-Project title: The development of decision-making and analytical models for emergency medical services
    Field: Spoke 1 – Data and technology driven diagnosis and therapies
    Reference Professor: Mattia Cattaneo
Access requirement

Possession, by Oct. 31, 2023, of one of the following master's degrees or corresponding degree obtained under the previous regulations:

- LMG/01 – Classe delle lauree magistrali in Giurisprudenza
- LM-06 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Biologia
- LM-09 – Classe delle lauree magistrali in Biotecnologie mediche, veterinarie e farmaceutiche
- LM-13 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Farmacia e farmacia industriale
- LM-21 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria Biomedica
- LM-25 – Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria dell’automazione
- LM-29 – Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria elettronica
- LM-31 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria Gestionale
- LM-32 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria Informatica
- LM-33 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Ingegneria Meccanica
- LM-40 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Matematica
- LM-51 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Psicologia
- LM-56 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze dell’economia
- LM-68 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze e Tecniche dello sport
- LM-77 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze economico-aziendali
- LM-82 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze Statistiche
- LM-85 - Classe delle lauree magistrali in Scienze pedagogiche
- LM-88 – Classe delle Lauree magistrali in sociologia

In the case of a degree obtained abroad, the evaluation of the requirement will be carried out by the selection committee.


Type of estimable qualifications:
Qualification assessments (up to 60 marks):

  • curriculum vitae studiorum - max 5 points;
  • two letters of reference from Italian or foreign academics - max 10 points;
  • examinations taken during the course of a bachelor's/master's/master's degree or degree awarded according to the system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/1999 or master's/specialist degree, with particular reference to the subjects covered by the doctoral course max 15 points;
  • other titles of specialization and research activities normalized by year from the date of achievement of the master's/master's degree, if any (publications in international journals, specialization diplomas and postgraduate courses, summer schools, participation in research projects, positions of research fellow or research assistant, holding research contracts, scholarships, positions in universities and international national research organizations; all titles must be duly attested, with information on the starting date and duration of the activity carried out) - max 5 points;
  • Research project (which will be evaluated on the basis of scientific value, originality and articulation of the proposal, consistency with the research themes of the PhD): up to 25 points.

Interview (up to 30 marks):

  • knowledge of the English language and, for foreign students, also of the Italian language: up to 5 points;
  • discussion of the research project (assessment of the candidate's capacity to convincingly discuss project preconditions and goals): up to 25 points.

Language competence: English language. For foreign candidates, knowledge of Italian language will also be evaluated.

Interview Date:
27/06/2023 at. 9.00 a.m. (Italian time) eventually continuing on 28/06/2023, depending on the number of candidates participating to the interview.
The interview will be carried out by videoconference and in English.